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Apartamento desde
apartamento de 3 dorm. lujosoNo. 31(6 pers.)250 €

cama de nińosNo. (1 pers.)0 €

service supplement per additional person(1 pers.)30 €

service supplement per additional child U12(1 pers.)15 €

To make a reservation mark selected apartment/s, choose extras, enter the number of travellers and click on MAKE RESERVATION button, thank you.

Las tarifas incluyen todos los servicios especificados en la descripción de servicios - por ejemplo servicio de limpieza dos veces a la semana, sabanas etc y todas las tasas locales. NINGÚN PAGO EXTRA, NINGÚN EXTRA ESCONDIDO. En caso de que su estancia supere una semana, pida nuestras tarifas semanales/mensuales especiales.
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Three bedroom apartment
"Please rest assured that my family and I have had positive feedback with reference to our experience renting an apartment with 'Prague City Apartments'. Staff were aware of the difficulties we had in the beginning to find a flat suitable for five adults in the center of Prague for 7 days, but fortunately we were allocated in a beautiful apartment (which I will surely recommend) consisting of only a 5 minute walk from Old Town Square...."
See more three bedroom reviews

Three bedroom apartment
"I booked a two bedroom apartment through Before my arrival, I was notified that the apartment was overbooked but they have arranged me for a near by luxury apartment with three bedroom. Upon my arrival, I met with a very friendly and helpful staff who showed me the apartment. It exceeded my expectation. The apartment was beautiful and spacious and it is in a convenient and safe location within 5 minutes walk to the square and all the luxury shops...."
See more three bedroom reviews

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Prague City Apartments - alquiler de apartamentos a corto plazo en el centro de Praga.
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